The WRCS Committee requests member feed back for its draft recommended evacuation action in the event of a bushfire threatening the field and its access from Morgan Road

Also referred to Fire Service Control officers George Shepperd and Craig Geddes, RFS, Kamber Road, Terry Hills, 9450 3000


If there are bush fires generally in the northern suburbs of Sydney then common sense would suggest that members take responsibility for their need to travel to the field under such circumstances.

The usual wind and temperature conditions during a high/extreme/catastrophic bush fire alert would certainly be not favorable to flying, either fixed wing or helicopter.

This draft recommendation applies to the case of fires breaking out in our field/access vicinity from natural or unnatural reasons when such a condition would not reasonably be expected.

(If you are stupid enough to travel to the field when the Fire Services advice is contrary to such a decision on that day then the following advice also applies!)


[a]On becoming aware that a fire is in the vicinity then cease all flying and pack up in preparation for an orderly exodus.

[b] Using your gate key open the “Limbo Bar lock” from the pipe at the western end of the field. Secure the pin in the pipe. Open the adjacent wire fence gate.

This will enable vehicle/emergency vehicle access to the field as a safety area and in the event that the situation changes and becomes critical then a refuge and air evacuation point.

[c] Establish the basic direction of the fire.

*If this is in a direction clear of the track access to Morgan Road then proceed to leave, ensuring that the white gate remains open with the pin locked in the hasp.

* Depart the area after ensuring that all persons at the field have vacated the site.

* Keep the access from Morgan Road clear for Emergency Services vehicles.

* If Emergency Services are already in attendance then report the fact that the field has been totally vacated and the field can be used as a safe area for fire fighting personnel.


[a]If the direction of the fire is upwind of the access track to Morgan Road then the closeness of the fire would be your decision as to either adopting the 1st IA or going to the 2nd A. On no account attempt if it is possible that the attempt will need to be aborted mid way as the access track needs to be kept clear for emergency Service vehicles.

[b]Should the Morgan Road access track be not an option then it is recommended that no travel on any other access tracks in any direction be considered.

[c] the action recommended is;

* pack up and move yourself and your vehicle to the field by carrying out action in [b] of the 1st IA.

[d] Notify 000 of how many people are on the field and that the address is known as


OR UBD MAP 156; Q5

[e] Leave a large area clear for helicopters to land and evacuate if necessary.

[f] If a member has a key to the mower Container then if deemed safe to do so, remove mowers to the centre of the field.

Subsequent action will depend on the outcome of the fire emergency.

{Referred to Rural Fire Services for comment }

Brian Porman,

Secretary for WRCS Committee.

Doug Radford is organising a fuel drop. Here's the detail:

  • We have a list up at the field for a methanol drop. You'll need to indicate what you want and arrange to prepay Doug (9450 0728)
  • Delivery is planned for Sat.19th Dec around 9.00am
  • Nitro and oil also available
  • Details are:
    • 200L drop $1.40/litre or 400L drop $1.30/litre It will be 400L if sufficient demand)
    • Nitromethane $68 - 4 litres
    • Nitroglide Plus oil - $63 - 4 litres

Doug has been shopping at Super and Cheaper again. They do some nice ARFs, and Doug and I have had more than one, each, from them, and we keep going back.

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David Wilson – in memoriam

With deep regret I must tell you that our friend and fellow flyer, David Wilson, has died.

David was the son of Noel Wilson, a member and president in the late 70s and early 80s.

David flew a very smart Sig Smith Miniplane in those days and like many young people he went off to “do his thing” and only re-joined the club in late 2008. He was a regular Sunday flier with a 46 size Ultimate Bipe in yellow trim that was voted the winner by the pilots at this years Biplane Day.

He also built, enhanced and flew a very smart Rare Bear that appeared on Race Day but did not compete.

David died very recently, and quite suddenly, from leukaemia at just 46 years old. All our sympathies go to his partner Fi and to Noel.


I send out periodic emails to remind people about events and the like. If you didn't get one this week about the Xmas party but you would like to receive these and you do have an email address, can you let me know what it is please? Click HERE to send me a message.
