The President of Lake Keepit Soaring Club, Tim Carr has generously invited WRCS members to attend a weekend at Lake Keepit soaring Club for some RC flying and have some trial (full size) glider flights on the weekend 26th, 27th September. This weekend is a "low activity" weekend for Lake Keepit members and since some of them are also keen RC modellers, this represents a great oportunity to fly models and try your hand at real soaring in 1:1 gliders.
Those interested in attending please notify STEPHEN MAC MAHON by 12th August so that accomodation on site can be booked. Accomodation can be booked in nearby towns as well.
Stephen MacMahon and his wife are taking their caravan and will organise a BYO barbie saturday night by the van.

Please check out the facilities on their website:

STEPHEN MACMAHON contacts: 02 94843127 / 0410640090
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mike Minty sends us the following. Click [read more] to view the full article and photos:

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The Garigal Park Rangers have reminded us to be vigilant about keeping the gate closed and locked at all times.

From now on, we won't be able to leave it open on event days so, for major events such as Scale Day we'll need to have someone manning the gate, and for events such as Race Day, Combat etc, we'll need to keep the gate locked, which shouldn't be a major issue as most competitors and interested spectators will be arriving and leaving within a fairly narrow time band.

If you are leaving the field, though, and someone asks you to leave the gate open as they'll be just behind you, please stay at the gate until they arrive to lock it.

Many thanks!


Thank you, everyone, for your feedback on the site. We've taken down that poll now, and replaced it with one to get your views on what you'd like to see us do more of. You can vote for one thing at a time, and only once per day, but feel free to vote again when you visit another day.

If you are willing to write articles, please let me have them and I will publish when I can. Ideal format (for me) is a word document, and seperate (not embedded) photos and diagrams. I can't publish copyright material or anything that might cause us some fuss from manufacturers or other readers, but I'm always happy to get articles, reviews, etc, and will gladly put them up as long as you don't mind me applying a bit of editing here and there.

Thanks again


George Atkinson draws our attention to a new initiative for instructors from the MAS CFI.

The following text appears in the latest MAS newsletter:

Do you want to learn more about how to instruct?

Do you want to increase your skills in Instruction?

Do you have ideas of how to improve the training process?

We at MAS would like to call on our qualified instructors to be involved in

workshops to review the processes we use to train our new pilots. We will be

providing refresher courses to improve our skills and at the same time we

need to learn from those instructors that have been involved in instruction and

have developed skills to achieve our aim of providing instruction that

embraces the new technologies and skills in today’s environment.

We are planning a series of full weekend workshops that will include

presentations, brainstorming sessions, use of simulators, advanced flight

testing and practical flight training lessons.

We would like to start this program in the next few months and I invite club

executives and individual instructors who would like to be involved to contact

the Chief Flying Instructor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We will contact the individuals as soon as we have enough to commence this
