This is worth every minute you'll want to spend reading it. The report on this year's oily hand weekend, courtesy of Mike Minty. Some fantastic stuff - vintage models, vintage (and not so vintage) modellers, building, fixing, flying, crashing and the putter of diesels in the background. Lovely.

Click HERE to see the pdf.


3 things:

  • If any WRCS member needs a perfect one-piece wing for a Phoenix Tiger, wheels or hardware, contact Col Buckley (details on the contact page of the website). If you need a fuselage, you're in the same boat as he is.
  • Indoor flying at the GCAC indoor site at Niagara Park is on this Sunday 7th Sept from 13:00 to 17:00 and WRCS members are welcome. Contact James Edwards by clicking This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you'd like more info, or go to the GCAC website.
  • MANSW Fly-in and Airshow 4-5/10/2014 at HMAS Field - Bandon Road Vinyard NSW, Contact: BOB Carpenter 0438 171 070.




Well, it was a brilliant day last Sunday, for those that came to the electric fun fly and the one-make racing/combat events. Unfortunately with only 4 in one event and 3 in the other (in most cases, the same people), Dave has to be asking himself why he'd bother putting hours into preparing events, rules, scoresheets, streamers, limbo poles, trophies etc. 

Anyway, the competitors and the spectators loved it. Mike Minty has produced a report, with photos, which you can download to read by clicking HERE.


Starting to build a club archive - see this LINK

If you have photos and stories that could be added, please hang on to them for a short while. When the new site is launched (Q4 2014), there will be plenty of room to accomodate a growing archive.



MOP027 has been updated to include bronze and gold certification for multirotors, and the multirotor certification programmes have also been released.

You can download these by clicking on the links below.



Multirotor bronze wings

Multirotor gold wings