There has been a fair amount of timber left near the barbeque recently. Unfortunately all of it is unusable due to the length and/or the chemicals that it has been treated with etc. We're not allowed to bring external materials (including road materials and timber) onto the site other than for approved building work, so please just use the dead wood that surrounds the barbeque area and the whole field - there is an almost limitless supply, it burns well and it keeps things tidy.

If you know who left the long lengths of flooring timber, which we can't use, could you ask them to remove it as soon as possible, please.



Col Bruce has asked us to mention that SRCS is having social days on Saturday 9th August and Saturday 8th November - both from 9am and open to bronze and gold wings. No competition.

More info from Col on 0413 800 230.


Mr Minty has done us proud with a repot on Biplane Day 2014. Click here to download it for reading.

Also, Mike has put together an article on restoring an ARF that took some damage in the latest pylon racing event. It's in the members articles section of the site, which you can get to by clicking HERE. The article is Tiger Restoration, but there's lots of good stuff in the 7 pages of articles there.



For those of you waiting for Phoenix Tigers, I now have them, so you can collect them from our shop at Battery Business, 3 Vuko Place, Warriewood, and I will bring some in my van to the field on Saturday 19th July (unless the weather is awful). If you want to collect from me at the field, please let me know so I put enough in the van. You can do so by clicking This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The planes are $140 and the props are $5 each.

By the way, Phoenix has gone over to a one piece wing for the new ones, so the parts aren't easily interchangeable if you have half an old one waiting for donor bits, but the finished plane is the same in colour scheme, dimensions etc. I also have 2 spare kits if anyone wants one. First come, first served.



UPDATE 25/7 - the spares are now sold, and a few people still need to pick up their Tigers. The sooner the better please. One suggestion from Mike Minty is to put in a ply doubler behind the nosewheel bulkhead. This seems to be a slightly weak area compared to the rest of the model. 

The MAAA has asked that the update to the insurance MOP (click HERE) be brought to the attention of our members. 
