Good news - we're able to keep the combined club fees and insurance at the same level as last year, and renewals will be sent to you in the next few days. Don't forget that Ron needs to know if you move house so, if you don't get your renewal by 13th June, Ron probably needs a correct address!

As an aside, there's a bit of a challenge going round the club to build a flying radio controlled disc. That's it - no more complicated than that - powered how you like, made of what you like, as big or small as you fancy - just has to be a disc, and just for fun. 


Mr Minty has been kind enough to write up the scale day report. You can download it by clicking HERE.


The AGM takes place on 25th June, with renewals, key changes and finger food (not dinner!) starting at 6:30pm. As a result, there will not be a club night on the first Thursday of June.

For committee positions, the current committee members have all indicated that they are willing to stand again, but if you'd like to make other nominations then you can download the form at this LINK. (This is actually the form from 2013, but you can edit the dates and initial by them before sending it).

The completed form will need to be with Brian Porman no later than 18th June. You can email Brian by clicking on this This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


It is with great sadness that I write to tell you that George Kaley passed away, peacefully and with his loved ones beside him, on Friday evening, 23rd May 2014. George had been in ICU for over 6 weeks, with complications with his colon, and eventually lost his long fight for recovery.

I'll remember George as a consummate aeromodeller - an accomplished builder, a keen flyer, and a gentleman and great mate to so many of us at the club. His family has lost a wonderful man, and we have all lost a true friend.

George had been lucky enough to enjoy sharing his hobby with 3 generations of his family at the field, with Rob and Fredi getting as much pleasure out of our hobby as George always did - whether he be flying, tinkering, repairing or just enjoying the atmosphere with his many friends.

George came to Australia in 1970 with his wife, and his two sons, Rob and Matthew. His pommie accent and his charming aircraft were both well known at the field. Below is a photo of George, taken very recently, with his scratch-built DH71, of which he was, rightfully, very proud. His face speaks volumes for the pleasure that his hobby gave him.


On behalf of all of us at WRCS, our thoughts go to George's family at this time. George will be remembered with true fondness by so many of us.

The funeral will be held on Friday 30th May at 2:30pm at:

Northern Suburbs Memorial Gardens and Crematorium, 199 Delhi Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113, East Chapel. No flowers, please, as donation envelopes will be supplied at the service.

Afterwards from 4pm at George and Angie's home, 101 Rangers Avenue, Mosman, 2088.


On behalf of the club, our thanks to Ian Lindquist from GME (website HERE) for the very kind donation of a pair of GME hand-held 2 way radios to help keep people safe whilst they venture into the bush, searching for lost models and other pots of gold.

Together with the GPS unit kindly donated by Ron Clark, we're now much better equipped to support bush outings. The gear will be stored with the tracker in the lockable pound.

Please remember that it is strongly advised that, as a minimum, you take a radio with someone else back at the field staying in touch with you and knowing your plans as well, of course, as taking water, the GPS unit to track your path and return path, and a mobile phone as a secondary communication tool. Over the years, we've had a number of people spending longer than they wanted in the bush, and the occasional snake bite too, so it makes sense to ensure that you can call for help and also that someone is making sure that you get back when expected!

Thanks, again, to Ian and Ron for their donations.

