The MAAA has asked us to post the following. All WRCS members are encouraged to take part in the survey.



Dear Member

Member survey; together we form one powerful voice! grandad_redtriangle.jpg

As the leading national aeromodelling organisation in Australia, we are committed to helping our clubs deliver the highest levels of service, to new and existing members.

We are undertaking a member survey to develop a deeper understanding of the needs of members and aeromodellers in Australia.

The insights from the survey will be used to help the MAAA to improve services to members and advance the aeromodelling sport.

As a leading state body we need your help

Please promote the survey to clubs to encourage members to take the survey, so that we can meet their expectations! We’ll be happy to share the results with you.

As an incentive, we are giving away five $50 vouchers as prizes to a retail store of the winners’ choice. We will select five winners by judging the best answer to the last survey question.

The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete. For members to have their views included, they will need to complete the survey by Friday 27 June 2014.

Members can begin the survey by visiting the following web address:

Please help us keep our skies safe and until next time, have a safe, fun flight!


Neil Tank


Privacy and confidentiality.  This survey is being conducted by Sustainable Marketing Services on behalf of the MAAA.  Members’ identity and responses will remain confidential.  They will not be approached for sales purposes, nor will their names be added to other e-mail lists.  We want only your feedback and opinions.

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Peter Wyss now has email access. His laptop uses Richard's mobile as a hotspot when he visits and so, although Peter isn't permanently on-line, he can get emails from you when he sees Richard. Peter can also type his name to acknowledge that he has seen the email and, we hope, will be able to type more at some time. For now, though, if you send something to him, planes, news, other things he will be interested in, then he will get some engagement with his mates. Richard may also write a few words to let you know Peter's reaction, if he approves.

I won't publish the email address here, as it would be found and spammed by webcrawler technology, but you can write to Peter by clicking on this This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The scale rules have been updated for this year to take into account all the input from the competitors. Whilst it isn't posisble to please everybody, Dave Pound has done a serious piece of work here and managed to get input and agreement at our last two club meetings. Thanks Dave.

You can see the new rules at this LINK.


Just a reminder that membership and insurance needs to be renewed at the AGM on 25th June. Ron will be sending out renewal notices around 6th June so if you have moved since the last renewal and have not, yet, given your new address to Ron, please do so by clicking This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



The rules for the 1 Make Challenge have been updated - see this LINK.

Also, there will be several "fun" events during the year. The first 'official' one of these will be on the Autumn Scale Day on 4th May with a 1 Make race, for fun, at lunchtime.

There will be two scoring pylon events and 2 scoring combat events for the 1 Make Challenge that will count towards the annual club championship. These will be on the pylon/combat day on 15th June, and the Electric FunFly day on 10th August. In each case, the 1 Make series will be in standalone events, so the Pylon and Combat Day will now have:


  • Open Pylon - as usual open to electric and IC engines
  • Open Combat - ditto
  • 1 Make Pylon - open to Tiger and Scanner with IC engines up to 46 and other rules as per the 1 Make Challenge
  • 1 Make Combat - ditto


We also have an order for more Tiger 3 (and more Scanners if they become available). I have 7 people waiting for the Tiger 3 so, if you'd like one and haven't let me know, please do so. You can click This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to send me an email.
