MASNSW has advised us of an update to MAAA MOP058 which covers the use of 2.4ghz radio equipment. You can view the new document by clicking HERE.

My understanding is that the changes are in the form of removal of some words (which is to be encouraged in any legal document!) hence, unless you have a photographic memory, you might not be able to see what has changed but, if you aren't familiar with MOP058, you should read it anyway. It is, mercifully, short.


It is with the greatest of sadness that I let you know that our good friend, Col Simpson, passed away on the morning of Friday 13th December 2013. 

Many of you will know that Col was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer just a few weeks ago, and he passed, peacefully, on his 63rd birthday, robbed of a good 25 years that he well deserved. There's some comfort, though, that Col lived life to the full, with a happy and loving family and a very wide circle of friends, enjoying the best of what life could throw at him. He was my predecessor as President of WRCS, a role he carried out brilliantly for many, many years, helping make the club what it is today, and managing many of our important relationships with councils, parks and state bodies. I always took pleasure in Col's ability to wring the most out of a plane, and have happy memories of him flying, with gusto, at many a scale event, to the delight of the crowd. He was a gentle giant, who did things the way they should be done, and enjoyed them all the more because of that.

Col was a good friend to so many of us, our club is much the poorer without him and he will be sadly missed. His funeral is at 1pm, Thursday 19th December, at St Marys, 264 Miller Street, North Sydney (corner of Miller and Ridge Streets).

On behalf of WRCS, our thoughts go to Col's wife, Dine, and their 4 grown-up children, at this very sad time. They've lost a great bloke.


We need to let the caterers know final numbers by mid Nov, so if you haven't already purchased your xmas party tickets, Col Buckley has a few left. Get in quick. 

Also, don't forget the glider comp on the day - about an hour or so byuilding will have you ready to compete...

Nearly Christmas Party Nov 30th

Instead of a simple chuck glider like last year, this years party will get you to build a scale model of a 4 jet engine Swiss delta fighter!  Mike M brought one for “show & tell” at the last club meeting and gave out free plans to those who attended – wish you had been there now don’t you!

In case you think that sounds a bit complex, don’t worry it is only 12” span and you can download the plans FREE by clicking HERE and you will need to print it out at A4 and then enlarge it by 128% to get it the right size.

 It’s called “Arbalete” and is very simple to build. You will also need 6” of ¼” dowel and 3 No 32 rubber bands – it’s catapult launch.

Cut all the pieces, any thin ply will do for the nose re-enforcement, sand them smooth and give them 1 coat of dope. When dry, light sand to smooth then assemble and give another coat of dope. Decorate as you like! It’s easiest to cut the wing slot in the fuselage from the rear with a jigsaw, then go through it again to get it 1/16 gap only where the wing will be. Then slide the wing in from the rear and squeeze the fuse slot together aft of the wing and cyano it.


Get building, there will be a prize for best Adult flight, Best Junior flight and Best Looking, the concors d’Elegance.


Mr Minty has produced a report on the scale nats - click HERE to download for reading.