If you're travelling north, you might want to look in on our chums at Coolum Flyers. Their website is HERE and you can download Tailspin, their newsletter, at their site. It has an interesting article on an RC scooter - not the same as the Sopwith Scooter that our Mr Minty is constructing. You can see his latest update HERE.


OS Day on 27th July was an absolute beauty. Click HERE to open the PDF file with full report and photos.

Special thanks to Mark, Cliff and Neil from Model Engines for making the journey and displaying some superb planes and motors.



Given the alarming increase in interest in multirotors, here's somewhere to spend 16 minutes - long enough to make it clear that whatever you do with your multirotor, these guys already did it. Click HERE

By the way, this site should carry a health warning. It could rob you of several hours every few days!

The prolific Mr Minty has produced a report on the July biplane day. Click here to open it for reading.


On 6th July 2013, WRCS hosted a visit from the Belrose Rural Fire Brigade, as a thank-you for all the support and help that the fire brigade provides us with around the flying field. 

More than 20 of the fire crew turned up, with 2 of the big motors and 2 crew cab utes. Plenty of WRCS members were ready to provide trial flights for the firies, and quite a few younger versions of WRCS members got to explore the fire engines and test the sirens!

Grant, Noeline and Brian handled catering, with 100 rolls and hot sausages dealt with, and, with only 1 downed (and found) aircraft, everyone had a great day.

Our vice president, Tom Sparkes, prsented the rural Fire brigade with a cheque on behalf of WRCS, and Martin Rolfe from the brigade presented WRCs with a plaque. Martin has also written to tahnk the club, and assure us of the brigade's continued protection. 

There's a gallery for the day - click HERE to view it.
