
This year's combat and pylon day is 16th June at Belrose. If you've been involved, before, then you'll know the mayhem and fun involved, and how rare it is to see any carnage. 

The combat event normally involves several rounds of half a dozen aircraft in the air at the same time and towing paper streamers, trying to cut the other streamers around them. The ideal aircraft seems to be a reasonably simple sport flyer - you could participate with a trainer, a stik, or something that you don't mind hurling around. Electric or glow will work, as long as you can manage at least 6 minutes of flying time on a battery/tank.

Pylon will be two classes - one for electric and one for glow - racing up and down the field. You don't have to fly low or dangerously, just nice, smooth, circuits.

You can participate in one, two or even three events, and you don't need the same model for pylon and combat (although you could give it a try). 

The event page is HERE. Please log in and register if you intend to participate, so we know roughly how many will be there. 


It's with regret that I let you know that Cecil Ashley, from Narrabeen, passed away on the night of Monday 11th March 2013. 

Cec was a prolific modeller, a very long term member of WRCS (one of the original crew), and a member of several other clubs too. Up until very recently he'd make a point of driving to the major RC events around the country and he will be sadly missed by his all modelling friends near and far.

Our thoughts and wishes go out to his family and friends. We don't have funeral details yet but will place them here when they are known.


Stephen MacMahon has organised the 2013 gliding weekend at lake keepit with the Keepit Soaring folk. The date will be 4th and 5th May 2013. If you want details, or are ready to confimr your place, please contact Stephen. Contact details are HERE


MASNSW operates a forum which you can view by clicking HERE. This forum is designed to be a two way forum for communication between clubs and MASNSW, with open information to allow other clubs to view topics that may be of interest, or on which they may have a view.

MASNSW has asked that we have a single person at WRCS to represent our club views and, as a result of being late to our last committee meeting, I have been nominated for that role. 

To enable me to represent your views, I've set up a WRCS forum page for you to post your thoughts in terms of strategy and direction for MASNSW and the MAAA, what members need from their state and federal bodies etc. If you would like to put an idea forward, it'd be useful to have your thoughts and solutions by you posting a reply under the forum thread that you can find HERE. For example, it's pretty much pointless to say something like "XYZ should be more transparent" unless this is followed by "by which I mean that the President of XYZ should call me, personally, every Tuesday night to run through the latest accounts" or "it would be useful to see a synopsis of the financial accounts posted on the XYZ website every 6 months".

This'll be a work in progress, as we refine how this works. In the early stages, it would be great to have positive ideas for where the state and national bodies can focus their attention for the future of aeromodelling in Australia. I'll do my best to keep on top of ideas, and to represent them on the MASNSW forum. If you'd like to offer thoughts on how we do that, please chat to me at the flying field. I'll copy this onto the first forum entry so we have it there too.





Good way to keep a Yak55 out of service - courtesy of Richard Owens:
