The club championship for 2012 came down to the last event, and the results are in. Click HERE to see the table, and to find out the final standings.


Two things for a rainy Monday:


  1. The battery box in the western shed (aka the "executive shed"!) has just had a transplant, and now sports 3 gel batteries (2nd hand, but in excellent condition) so will be comfortably able to recharge nicd/nimh (transmitters, recievers etc). This box isn't wired to handle the recharging loads of lipo packs, although it will handle the gentle recharge of smallish lipos in an emergency! The new batteries will take a bit of time to come up to full power, given the very small solar panel that is charging them, so it'd help if you give them until, say, 7th December before using them in anger!
  2. The road between the gate and the filed entrance is holding up well but has got a few wet potholes. Rather than steer round them, feel free to choose your favourite pothole and put a few small sandstone rocks from the roadside into it, then drive over them. If every visitor did this occasionally, the laneway would be beautifully smooth!


A big vote of THANKS on behalf of all those who attended the Xmas party, to Mike Minty & Julie (organisers extraordinaire), Doug Radford, Ron Clark and Belrose Rural Fire Service for their contribution to a fantastic party.

We're finishing the calendar year off with an electric fun fly. The Club Champion competition hangs in the balance, and it could swing on the results of this last event for 2012.

What's involved? Well, it might be limbo, climb and glide, maximum number of loops in xx seconds, spot landing, tag, it's all in the balance at the moment...

...which means that you'll need an electric plane (aerobatic, Easystar, powered glider, whatever) and a sense of humour. 

Participants love this event. Come along on 9th December around 9am and join in.



Part 11 of the Hurricane build is ready for reading. Click here to go to the download page.