A reminder that OS Day is comin g up on 12th August. More than 20 planes already registered (see below). You MUST register in advance so please contact Col Buckley if you'd like to register.


So far we have:

Col Simpson ???
David Foster Many
Tim Nolan Sportster
Brian Porman Sportmaster
Ron Clark Ryan
Barry Campbell LA Racer
Stan Begg Ultimate
Ted Oram Model
Col Buckley S/Walker
Col Mitchell 2 Planes
Doug Radford 1 plane
Mark Rickard plane
Dean Schuback Plane
Michael Mitterer 2 planes
Luke Mitterer 2 planes
George Kaley Plane
Colin Bruce Plane
Patrick van Oorschot 2 planes

Sunday 22nd July saw a selection of weatherproof modellers and their anoraks - braving wind and rain in the pursuit of pleasure (the photos will enlarge if you click on them),


with David Menzies keeping the entrants under some form of control.


The climb and glide saw Rob Kaley scoring massively (with his Easystar)


and Clive's Miniswift being blown about like a leaf in a gale - needing almost permanent motor run to stay under some form of control.DSC_1033

Kelvin King (and his Addiction) won the looping event, with 17 in 30 seconds, beating Ron's 15.


Musical planes saw Kelvin pipping Ron, with much the same in the touch and goes (although Ron's plane was touched a bit hard on number 3 landing and did not compete further). Tom's plane (which had previously suffered a broken nose and a wing strike on the limbo pole) was launched well once, and badly the second time, resulting in a motor seperation and a withdrawal.


Limbo saw Robert and Clive each manage one pass, Kelvin took out the tape on his attempt


and Rob had a good go at wiping out the limbo pole on his run. George Kaley won the limbo event by launching through the limbo poles without score and going, sensibly, just for the spot landing points.


Overall, Rob Kaley won by a landslide. Kelvin King was a close second on total points but not so close after the handicapping (he was flying a 4 channel model against Rob's 3 channel). George Kaley pulled a well-deserved 3rd place, pipping Ron by 3 points. Anyone who didn't have at least one of their names beginning with a K was relegated to the lower orders.

The updated club championship points are HERE

Dave Pound was in attendance to deliver an oily hand demonstration and, as everyone else went home for lunch, Dave was last seen flicking the prop of his 1 chickenpower diesel, forlornly, in the hope of a bite. We can only hope that his desire to be smothered in oil residue was suitably satiated. 




OS DAY at WRCS Belrose.


If you own an aeroplane with an OS Engine or OS Brushless Motor, come along on Sunday 12th August for a very relaxed fly-in at the WRCS field Belrose.

Pilot briefing is at 9.15am and there’ll be drinks/ BBQ sausage sandwiches for sale to keep stomach worms at bay.

OS (Model Engines) will be attending and have very kindly donated a brand new OS 95AX IC engine AS WELL as one of their new 50mm brushless electric motors (OMA-5025-375).  Major Prizes drawn out of the hat after flying. You have to be present to claim!!

All pilots receive a complimentary information pack from Model Engines.

Entry is $10 per person no matter how many planes you bring. Pay on the day.

All pilots MUST pre-register prior to the event. THERE WILL BE NO REGISTRATIONS TAKEN ON THE DAY.

To register..send name, club, contact number and number of planes to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Remember, ONLY planes with an OS power plant will be allowed to fly & all participants MUST pre-register.

Current MAAA card & MOP forms to be sighted on the day

For details on how to get there – check out the club website at wrcs.org.au.

MDMAS sends us the following informationabout the event at Muswellbrook:

Hi all you fellow enthusiasts

The MDMAS is holding the Frank Bryant Memorial Warbirds fun fly next month on the 25th and 26th August 2012.

We apologise for the short notice but there was only a limited few potential dates left for this year.

Unfortunately the MAS is not sending out a newsletter next month so this is the only way we can get the word out there, please if you can pass it on to as many people as you can.

There are no limitations to the warbirds you can bring along from foamies to giant scale will be welcome and don’t forget control line warbirds. There will be trophies which are listed on our web site www.mdmas.org.au .

We would love to see you if you are coming there is an electronic registration form on the MDMAS website, we encourage you to complete and get back to us so we can get a rough indication on how many are coming. Event rules can be accessed by clicking HERE.

As usual the canteen will be running for Breakfast and lunch I will talk nicely to Shirl and see if we can get a batch of her biscuits cooked up as they were a resounding success at the veterans gathering.

My newly voted Vice President Scotty Miller is the key contact for this event his phone number is 0407551054.

If you can’t contact him please don’t hesitate to call us for assistance

I hope you can all come.

Best regards

Philip Thicthener

President MDMAS 

MAAA advises us of some updates as follows:

Subject: MOP Amendments

Attached are the latest MOP amendments also available from the MAAA website HERE.

MOP057  Insurance Condition was amended to include FPV and SGMA operations.

MOP058 2.4GHz Equipment was amended to include additional guidance and introduction to the new breed of transmitters with internal aerials (4.16) as well as adding Align and Futaba S-FHSS technology to the Appendix A.

MOP066 FPV and MOP067 SGMA were amended to exclude vision enhancing devices.