If you're planning to visit the Osh Kosh event in USA (23-29 July), then there's accommodation at a great rate, currently being advertised in the February issue of “Sport Aviation”

Google:   EAA Sport Aviation February issue.  There will be a front on view of a Corsair’

Go to Classified Ads then at the top scroll to page 117. 

The ad states that Rotary members are providing B & B for $US70. 

That is a fantastic deal compared to other venues.


The glider day gallery is ready for viewing. Click HERE

By the way, a big "thank you" to Dave Pound for his role as contest director and prize giver on glider day. For a man that likes the smell of burnt oil and the feel of swarf beneath his skin, his support of silent flight competition is laudable! 

Tom Sparkes has just found a small foam model left in the shed at the field, probably left 20th Feb.

Contact Tom on 0419977613.

The following information has been received from MASNSW and is important for anyone that intends to fly at the Luskintyre event:

All Club Secretaries and Contacts


Grand Southern Cross Model Aero Rally – Luskintyre 2012

We are taking this opportunity to advise all clubs of the latest information regarding the proposed event at Luskintyre on the 20/21st April this year.

After a careful review of all of the correspondence by the Organisers, MAS NSW, MAAA, CASA, and Willis Insurance Brokers, received to date the MAS NSW Executive has resolved not to sanction this event.


Accordingly all members are advised there will be no MAAA Insurance for any participants in the Luskintyre 2012 event.


The executive of MAS NSW restates what has been published in the minutes of the February Business meeting and distributed on Monday 20th February.

  • MASNSW and MAAA fully support Public Flying Displays and the use of these displays to help charities with fund raising activities.
  • It is the commitment of both MASNSW and MAAA that safety remain paramount, and will not/should not be compromised.


We wish the Organisers of Luskintyre fair weather and a successful fund raiser.

Full details of all correspondence and meetings will be presented at the March meeting of MAS NSW.



Bob Carpenter

President MAS NSW Inc.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




The minutes of the MAS meeting in February will be in the next MAS Newsletter but, given the huge interest in the changes made to MOP019, you can download the minutes by clicking HERE, and they should help answer any remaining questions.
