
We have a few people still leaving their litter at the flying site for others to clear up, and leaving their dog-ends over the floor of the sheds. All the maintenance of our site is done by volunteers, without compensation, for the good of everyone. It really isn't fair that they need to spend extra time to clear up dog-ends, old plastic ties, bits of old balsa, packing materials or the remains of someone's lunch. 

Please, everyone, take your own rubbish away and dispose of it yourself, and put your dog-ends in the container provided. If we all try to leave the field in slightly better condition than we found it, our site will be perfect - and stay that way.

If you see anyone leaving litter, please have a word with them, or let me know and I'll put it right.



Mr Buckley has mislaid his hat. It has his name badge and gold wings on it, and was probably left at the field or in the car park. If you find it, could you contact Col by clicking This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. please.




MOP058 has been updated to include the acceptance of "Orange" receivers. You can download the document here, and the bit in grey at the back is the changed text.


Raj suggests that you might enjoy the read at this LINK
Mike Minty has found a Spectrum satellite receiver in the middle of the field. If it is yours, please contact Mike by clicking This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.