Mr Minty braves spiders and snakes to salvage piles of old rubbish from the bush. Click HERE to download his PDF. 


The Hash House Harriers will be having a run in the area of our field on Monday 30th Janauary in the evening, and they will be using our sheds, afterwards, for a gathering. We've made arrangements for their access, parking etc, so please make them welcome if you see them.



MOP Inspectors and instructors, please note the follwoing address/contact info:


While most of the WRCS members enjoy the sunny days on the flying field, at least one of our members spends his summer break doing something different.

Michael Krzanovski (currently in Poland) is desperately trying to dig out a runway for his daily flying "fix". Looks like a futile attempt to me... Smile.



Ed's note: Not dissimilar to Moments in Connecticut...


(To his credit, Michael knows how winters in Poland can be and was smart enough to leave his planes and helis at home in Australia!)

A couple of new articles in the member's articles section. Click HERE