Forster and Great Lakes Flying Club has opened its doors to WRCS on 3rd and 4th December. All are welcome to visit and fly. Journey time about 3 hours (north of Sydney). More details at club night on Tuesday 13th September - come along!

Roving reporter, Moments, has submitted a report on the Oily Hands meet at Cowra. Pogonophobics should brace themselves before viewing this document, but if the odd beard doesn't concern you, click here to download the PDF.


Check out the member's articles section, under the "information" pull-down menu to see Stan's latest article - the life of his Chipmunk. 

Anyone else writing at the moment...or just repairing until the rain stops?


Update 21/8. Another chapter added!

Lake Keepit 2011


A team of five WRCS members went to Lake Keepit on the weekend 20th/ 21st August for a “glider fest” of real and model gliders. Whilst Sydney suffered inclement weather, the weather at Lake Keepit was good enough to enjoy a great weekend flying.

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Does it help if I tell you that the "Humbig" the bigger version of the "Humbug" is? 

Yep, I wouldn't have thought otherwise, but don't let Mike Minty know that you have no clue what his new pride is. Wink

It took a fair amount of "work" to convince Mike that he had to maiden it and the result didn't look too bad. The  "Humbig" got away with a few minor scratches but better watch the full story on our video page (scroll down to the bottom).
