
Here's the latest state of play on the charging station. We need to know if you wish to participate, soon, please:


  1. We (by which I mean the people who would like to participate in this development) are now the proud owners of 2 new solar panels, which will deliver around 10-13 amps at 12 volts to charge the storage batteries which have been kindly donated by the Wyss Foundation
  2. We also have some interesting equipment to deliver the power to the chargers - with a bit more needed
  3. and we are sourcing the charging control unit at the moment
  4. Peter Wyss is in seventh heaven as he designs the complex electrickery that will sit behind the panel
  5. Individually we are out of pocket a few hundred $ at the moment, so we will set the price to participate at $50 per person, with the proviso that I will keep a track of each person's investment and, if we later build up surplus funds (and don't need them to increase capacity) then I will make sure that surpluses get fairly distributed
  6. Importantly, though, we now need some craftsmen to step forward and it would be a huge help if a couple of suitably skilled and equipped people would volunteer their labour in return for waiver of their investment - to install the panels and build the charging station/modify the cupboard in the pound (materials will be provided from funds raised)
  7. We have about 14 people, so far, confirmed (I think) - see below - and need to hear from anyone else who wants to be a founder ASAP
  8. The following people have let us know that they are keen to participate (if I have named you in vain, or missed your name off, or got the wrong Tim etc, or you would like to participate and haven't told me yet , please let me know via [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] 
      • Clive W
      • Peter W
      • Stephen M
      • Mike M
      • Mark T
      • Steven Y
      • David F
      • Peter C
      • Col B
      • Michael K
      • Mark C
      • Vince P
      • Tim I
      • Elie M


The forum on this topic is [here] and you will notice that one member has made a hugely generous offer to match the individual contributions 1 for 1 to have the facility extended to the whole club. This has put us in a quandary, to some extent, and we can't think of a way to make it equitable for everyone to access the facility whether they help finance it or not, so we will have to decline this very generous offer.

The facility will therefore be available, only, to the people that participate in funding or building it, as well as those who later decide to pay $50 to participate. If the club, at some time, chooses to buy out the facility for the benefit of all members then the buy-out proceeds will need to be used to refund the investors. My own view, for what it is worth, is that I'm happy to find $50 to have the facility to charge my batteries (free of charge) at the flying field. I'm happy that the club has granted us the space and storage facility, and that'll do me personally. I appreciate that opinion is divided on this but, to be frank, the time has come to get building! 

Looking forward to hearing from you if you'd like to play. I'll let you know, by email, once we are ready to have you pay your contribution - which we will probably do by cash at the field or direct bank transfer. If you happen to know anyone that is interested but might not see this article, please help us by mentioning it to them.



Stan has given us part 3 of his Ziroli Kittyhawk story. This article is 12 pages long - a big file so give it time to load. It is WELL worth it. The page with the download link is HERE.


Most of the people flying electics at the club will be aware that the two current charging stations are only suitable for charging NiMh & NiCd cells (transmitters, receiver packs etc), and cannot store or deliver the power required to recharge the increasingly powerful LiPo cells that we use. 

As a result, a proposal has been put to the committee, and approved, for a number of members to install a new battery box in the current key/transmitter pound (using about 1/2 of the space - right hand side - not affecting current charging station). This will contain 2-3 high capacity batteries which will be fed by a new solar panel(s). The batteries will deliver their power via a control system with a number of pairs of 12 volt connectors in racks above. These charging outlets would be activated by a smart-card/proximity tag or similar, limiting usage to the members that fund the development and maintenance of this facility. The outlets would deactivate if unused or if the charger is disconnected.

The committee has approved this development, and we are now looking for members wishing to participate in the funding and use of this charging station. Peter Wyss has done some initial design work and has also kindly agreed to donate the storage batteries, and we have some volunteer labour (but more will be VERY welcome). We reckon that we will need to find between $500 and $700 for the solar panel, controller (with data display), outlets etc. Cost will go up if we need to install several more outlets, and handle increased usage - at the moment we are assuming that the system will need to handle at least 4 people running two chargers each (feeding LiPos or anything less demanding), at any one time, but there is no limit, theoretically, to the number of participants and simultaneous users - we just have to ad more gear (especially storage) to cope!

If you would like to participate, or find out more, please have a chat with me (Clive), Peter Wyss or Stephen MacMahon at the flying field, post a reply on the new forum thread [here] or drop me and Peter an email by clicking [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]. 

We reckon we are likely to get 10-15 people so the rough cost could be about $50 per person, but if there are lots more people that are interested then the per person cost will fall. We'll also, of course, need to handle the situation where someone would like to participate later on, and wishes to "buy-in". At the moment our thinking is to charge them the same cost as an original participant and put the money aside for maintenance and upgrades, but other ideas are welcome! If we work it like this, it is unlikely that the funders would need to dip into their pockets, again, for a long time, if at all. On the other hand, we though this should be kept as simple as possible, so participation wouldn't be transferable or be able to be loaned to someone else. 

By the way, the reason for individuals funding this is important. The club has many members who do not, and have no plans to, fly electric, so it isn't fair that all member funds are used to finance this. On the other hand there are a growing number of people who would prefer to charge from a free supply, at the field, and the initial outlay is going to be kept as low as possible to make this viable. The reason for restricting access to the funding group is much the same as above but with the added issue that, with limited storage capacity, it is appropriate that the funders get to use all the capacity that is available. 

Timing? Plan is to get going soon and ready for use in Jan/Feb, so we'd appreciate a show of hands over the Xmas break if you can.

Happy Christmas!



If you are a regular visitor to Belrose you may have met Luke Armstrong. If the name doesn't ring a bell then you may recall having seen a strange looking heli with a huge and very serious camera mounted upfront.

Click [read more] on the right

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Stan has kindly delivered a bit of Xmas reading for you. Click [here] to get to the page to download the PDF.
