Mr Wyss has done it again. In a desperate effort to pick up bonus points in the scale comp, Peter has scratch built a full scale replica of the Hexacopter that was shown on a video circulating a few weeks ago. Scratch built...6 motors...this could set a new points record. Here's the article, and video: [HEXACOPTER]


New Parking for Aircraft at Belrose

Pit space is getting scarce during events and we decided to look for additional space. The new area is just along the left side of the field.

We do not advise to start the engines up there but it is ideal for parking any aircraft. Clive demonstrates how to do that properly....

clivepark1 clivepark2 clivepark3

You may recognize the biplane from the video on this page. The flight on Saturday was the second maiden (after rebuilding) and lastet about 2 seconds longer than the first maiden flight. I'm not sure if we can call that a success story but in any case, there will be another maiden in a weeks time....

A brief update on nominations as at today:
  • Col Simpson - President
  • Warren Lewis - Vice President
  • Brian Porman - Secretary
  • Ron Clark - Treasurer/registrar
  • Dave Pound - Committee
  • Tom Sparkes - Committee
  • Col Buckley - Committee


Roger Allison-Jones visited our scale day and has loaded some great photos onto his Flickr site. The picture below is the thumbnail montage. Click on the picture to be taken to his site, where you can look at the photos and even access the original image size if you'd like to print out in high quality.

Thanks Roger!



Stan's Hurricane has now been flown, and has seen her first competition. You can download the final PDF in the series [HERE], or you can see the most recent articles, and a link to page 2 (older articles)  [HERE]. Stan put more than 1000 hours into this beauty - just spectacular.