Col's Storch is the subject of a builder's article, now, here:

The first flight article and photos is here:

If you see someone driving a new limo at the club, chances are they invested in Lead Futures before Col built this - see his notes to find out why!

Combat Day

Carnage galore as the hooligan contingent of the club came together (literally) for the 2010 combat event. In the IC class, John Parker and Clive Weatherhead aired their ancient dreamers, Col Simpson had a hand launched WW2 fighter of about 15 years vintage, Matthew Dean sported his Tiger Stick and Dave Pound had something of indeterminate parentage and pinkish hue - to frighten the natives...

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Col has just finished building the Austar Fieseler Storch, and I arrived at the field on 13th March with a fearful hangover, and the smell of petrol in the shed as the petrol illuminati tweaked the motor to get it to rev smoothly...


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Peter Wyss is noted amongst his chums as a bit of a volt-head which, in layman's terms, is the electric equivalent of a petrol-head.

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An Average Saturday at Belrose

Here some pictures taken at our flying field in Belrose on Sat, 13th March 2010. Just a very normal flying day but the cameras were out in force, and apologies to anyone that doesn't feature this time...

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