Clive's Rutan Defiant Maiden

... or "What our editor doesn't want you to see!"

This is the regrettably short story of Clive's first, only and last flight with his beautiful two engine Rutan Defiant canard.

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Mike Minty sends us the following:

A lovely bright sunny day greeted the 17 members who turned up for the event …… only problem was the wind which was variable and insisted on coming mainly from the car park despite the CD and Flight Director (Dave Pound and Mike Minty) having laid the bungee out for wind from the dam! Click [read more] to see the full article

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It appears that there is no Maitland event this year so, with humble apologies, the Scale Day is now confirmed as 16th May as originally planned.

The promise of an extra week of building time has, I am afraid, been snatched away.


Stan's Hurricane is being weathered in the latest diary entry - click here to go to the download page:

Note that Stan's weathering is to make the Hurricane look a little older, whereas wethering (without the "a") is more to do with castrating rams (which will probably make them look older too).

Given the derivation of my name, I thought I'd mention it.



Autumn Scale Day has been changed to 23rd May as quite a few people like to attend the Maitland event on 16th May.

Full event calendar is at