The WRCS glider day was a great success. Most of our regular glider pilots and even some not so regular ones turned up to show their skills. The beautiful summer day certainly helped to motivate them. See the pictures in our gallery! More pictures and the results will be published within the next days.

Stan's Hurricane Diary, Part 10, is now ready for download. You can reach the download page by clicking

I'm just building an autogyro from plans, and I'm scared to take photos now! I can't wait to see this Hurricane in the flesh.


On 9th Feb, the committee meeting (and the club night that followed it) confirmed that we'll be investing in substantial improvements to the road over the coming months. The plan is to close the road for about a week (no access to the flying field - but we'll post a notice on the site and let members know well in advance) and the road surface will be stripped and graded/relaid to allow proper drainage and a much smoother ride!. Excellent news.

A couple of other important issues came up:

  1. a reminder, please, to take all rubbish, including crashed models, home, and not to use damaged airframes as barbecue fuel
  2. a request not to bring stuff to the field and leave it around with a "for free" sign on it (and to remove it if, by any chance, this might be referring to you!)
  3. a suggestion (tongue in cheek) that it was pointless trying to dispose of old models in the bush as Mark Ter Laak would always bring them back!

If you didn't get an email from me on 16th Feb about the field closure, but you would like to receive update emails when I send them, please send an email to me so that I have your address. My email address is my full name, below, without any spaces or punctuation

Clive Weatherhead

PS, in case you are wondering why I don't show my email address in full, the clever people selling performance enhancing drugs, love from afar and dodgy software all have tools to scurry around the internet and pick up anything that looks like an email address for their spam lists. My WRCS editor address gets several hundred pieces of junk mail each week which, fascinating as they are, is plenty to cull.



Our tireless news fossickers tell me that Lynette and Paul announced their engagement last week.Kiss

Congratulations to you both - on behalf of all your friends at the club!
