
Hobby Heroes has a sale on. They also plan a regular newsletter...which you can get by emailing Paul at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The February edition is available for download by clicking [HERE]

Glider Day is Sunday 21st February, with two classes - glider (towed up) and electric. The event rules are now up for reading at

There is also a special trophy for glider day:

"Mort's Mug"

The trophy was given to the club as a glider award so it will be given it for the best single flight on Glider & Electric day. Thus .......

1. The mug will be awarded to the flyer who gets closest to the glider max of 350 in any one flight (300 points for 5min flight plus 50 points for spot landing).

2. In the event of a tie their next best flight will be compared and the higher scoring one will give the result.

3. The mug will be proudly held for one year and then returned (or recontested) at the next Glider comp.

OS Day - Sunday 18th April

Col Buckley is looking for volunteers able to commit some time on the day to:

  • Flightline
  • Catering
  • Car Park
  • Contestant admin/frequency control etc

If you are able to help, could you let Col know - either at the the club night coming up on Tuesday 9th Feb...or drop him an email.

Thanks - Ed

Stan's latest article - part 9 of the build - is ready for reading. It's a 4mb download - 20 pages of top stuff about getting the right effects. Click here to go to the download page: [PART9]

We're thrilled to be hosting the OS Day on 18th April, and the event details are at where you can also download the event flyer to print off.

You need to register with Col BEFORE the event for this one, and his contact details are on the flyer. If you are logged in when you browse the site, please also indicate whether you'll attend by clicking at the bottom of the event details...BUT you'll still need to register with Col. This just helps us make sure nobody will miss out by mistake!