
I'm very sorry to let you know that Barry Mason passed away in Manly Hospital around 9pm on Saturday 20th December. 


Barry has been a long-time member and supporter of WRCS, and a regular on our flight line. He will be sadly missed by all his friends at WRCS and our thoughts go out to his family at this very sad time.


Barry's funeral will be held at Macquarie Park at 2:30pm on Wednesday 24th December, and afterwards at Wakehurst Golf Club. 

You might have noticed a new trophy, awarded for the first time at our Spring Scale Day 2014, and won by Kelvin King. The trophy is the Col Simpson Memorial Trophy, awarded to the pilot at the Spring Scale Event that is judged to have flown with the most brio, and excited/entertained the crowd accordingly. 

It is almost a year, now, since Col passed away, in December 2013, and we thought it would be good to remind people why the trophy is awarded for "exciting" flying, and how fitting that is with our memory of Col. The following was written in 2001, about Col, and has been edited to make sense in today's context:

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WRCS Christmas Party 2014

Well, talk about the Gods smiling on the righteous! The forecast both before and after November 29th included rain – the Saturday was the only one looking clear, and that’s what happened. A fine and sunny day followed by a balmy evening and no rain all night which pleased the campers ……. Make that camper.


There was a little flying during the day, Mike Minty brought his “Madam” powered by an old Mills 1.3 and Andrew Biddlecombe turned up with a cute little flying wing from a Hobbyking kit powered by a PAW 1.5cc motor complete with throttle. The model is called “Little Bug” or something like that but is definitely a semi-scale model of the Stabiloplan, an interesting Romanian home build from the early 30s. It flew well despite the rather strong wind and a bit too much elevator throw!

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There's a new rebuild article from Dougal in the member's articles section of the website, which you can get to by clicking HERE.