Heavy model builders and inspectors please note:

When an MAAA Inspector issues an MOP Form 038 Permit to Fly following a successful certification, there is now no requirement to send the bottom section of the form to a State Secretary for filing.  The owner/operator of the model certified will retain the complete form as proof of certification.  The bottom section of the form need not be completed as a duplicate.  MOP Form 038 Permit to Fly, will be amended along with MOP015 and any other relevant MOPs.

We've just added part 2 of Stan's rebuild story on the P40. Click here to go to the members articles page where you can access the article.


The next SRCS open fly-in is on Saturday 8th November at Wisemans Ferry. Col Bruce has the details if you'd like more information.




                                                No  BBQ at all during a Total Fire Ban.

                                     Restrictions during a  designated “FIRE DANGER PERIOD” when there isn't a TOTAL fire ban:

[1] No BBQ at the outside upper level BBQ

[2] The only permitted BBQ’s are

[a] Those fired by gas or electricity, being permanently fixed structures built of stone, metal  concrete or another non-flammable material designed exclusively for meal preparation.


[b] Those that use ONLY gas or electricity, are designed and commercially manufactured exclusively for preparation and when alight are placed in a stable position.


·         The area within a distance of 3 metres from the outer perimeter of the BBQ is cleared of flammable material

·         There is a hose connected to a water supply or a container with at least 10litres of water for immediate use

·         An adult is there at all times when the fire is alight who has the capacity and means to extinguish the fire

·         The fire is completely extinguished before the adult leaves


I'm very pleased to let you know that Doug Radford has agreed to take on the role of Chief Flying Instructor (CFI) for fixed wing aircraft, following our previous CFI,  Dean's, departure to Queensland.

Doug is one of our most experienced, and reliable, pilots, and is a qualified full size aircraft pilot as well as a long-standing RC flyer. His role as CFI is to ensure that fixed wing students at WRCS get suitable instruction and support from one of our many qualified instructors, and to maintain our reputation for quality instruction and flying skills. That doesn't mean that Doug will be personally teaching a lot of people to fly, but it does mean that he'll be interested in everyone's progress and success as they go from student to bronze and gold wings status. 

As a reminder, Col Buckley has agreed to look after new members as they join the club in search of instruction, so Col is the first point of contact for someone with questions, and he will be liaising with Doug on the provision of suitable instruction. Their contact information is on our contact page - see drop down menu at the top of the home page.

On behalf of the club, I'd like to thank Doug for taking on this demanding role.
