Here's a full report on the glider day - click HERE to download the PDF, complete with photos!

I'm pleased to tell you that Peter is now awake and, although very confused, he is looking around and showing signs of recognition. He isn't able to speak and is still in a very bad way, but he does seem to be making progress and the next week or two should start to indicate how his recovery will be. 

He's in the North Shore Hospital, still, but just out of intensive care. he was unconscious for 17 days, and the hospital team have asked that we still stress that he can't have visitors, but cards and wishes are very welcome. He's receiving the very best of attention and care. 

A big thankyou to everyone who has asked after Peter and offered their help. Stephen and Vince have Peter's personal interests in hand. We'll keep you posted through the website.


Many of you will have heard that Peter W suffered a severe intracranial aneurysm last Friday morning (27/9). Fortunately he was found, quickly, by one of his colleagues and recieved emergency attention before being taken to Royal North Shore Hospital.

As of today - Monday 30th - Peter's condition is critical, and he remains in intensive care and in an induced coma.

I'll post more information here, when we have it. In the meantime it is important, please, to observe the hospital instructions that there must be no visitors until notified otherwise. By all means send wishes, cards etc, (no food or chocolate) but please don't try to visit as the hospital will turn you away as it will not be beneficial to Peter at the moment. 



Update 3/10 - Peter is now breathing on his own and, we hope, will soon start to be aware of his surroundings. 

Update 9/10 - Peter remains unconscious, with some movement in his left arm and leg. The hospital has asked, again, to make sure that there are no visitors until they tell us otherwise.

A nasty incident occured in the geri shed on 5th October - a lipo exploded whilst being charged (seemed the charger was set on the wrong number of cells and it hadn't picked that up when charging started). The lipo was taken outside quickly and left to settle in safe place, and it went off, again, about 10 minutes later. 

Please, if you are charging lipos in either of the sheds, they must be in a charging bag or in a fireproof container. We'll invest in some charging pots to put in the sheds but, in the meantime, you'll need to make sure that you have a suitable container/bag with you, and that you use it.

As an aside, if a lithium battery goes off (and this also applies to the tubular lithium cells, such as the 18650 size torch batteries) then it is likely to be unstable for a long time. I've put one in brine for several hours to discharge after it went ferral and, about 1 minute after it was taken out of the brine, it started flaming again. Be very careful with any lithium battery that has taken damage or is behaving oddly and, if in doubt, please put it somewhere away from anything flamable and preferably in salted walter for a good length of time (days not minutes) so that it can fully discharge through the battery cables. Don't, under any circumstances, drive a nail through it to discharge it - it might work occasionally, but it's far more likely to put bits of you above our height ceiling at the field.

Battery shops, including mine, generally offer a disposal/recycling facility for old batteries. We love your old lead acid/car/boat batteries, but we'll also get rid of your old lipos for you if you bring them to the shop (but please don't hand them to me at the field - if you don't want them in your car, I'm not keen to have them in my van!).


It'll soon be here ......... well, nearly, when the jolly fat man checks his list and comes to the field laden with games and food and prizes and lollies for all the boys and girls who have been good!

So be good and buy your ticket for the

Annual Almost Christmas Party

To be held at the field on Sat Nov 30th arvo and evo

Tickets at the next meeting or reserve

before 15th Nov by emailing Mike Minty on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or from Col Buckley at the field

Adults only $20, children 6-14 $10 and FREE under 6

NOTE – No ticket sales at the party, if you haven't got one, there will be no delicious BBQ food for you!

And we need to know, asap, how many youngsters will be there, so the surprises can be arranged. Please let Mike or Col know, by the end of October if you can, names, gender and ages for anyone under the age of 11 that'll be coming with you!