Mr Minty has produced a full report on the May 2013 scale day. Click HERE to download and open the PDF file - it's a great read.

A little good news to brighten the first day of winter.

The MAAS insurance premium has fallen this year, and we have also been able to reduce club fees a little. The combined effect is a reduction in your annual membership fee to the following levels, and Ron will be sending out your renewal documentation shortly. 

Seniors (MAS newletter by post) - $335

Seniors (MAS newsletter by Email) - $320 

Pensioners (MAS newsletter by post) - $335

Pensioners (MAS newsletter by Email) - $320

Juniors (MAS newsletter by post) - $110

Juniors (MAS newsletter by Email) - $105

Anyone wishing to change their status from receiving the MAS newsletter by Post to receiving it by Email can deduct $15 from the $335 highlighted on your renewal form and mark “1” in the space allocated on your Renewal Form.

Please note: If stated on your Membership Renewal Form the “Total Renewal-fee Due is $320” then you already have elected to receive your MAS newsletter by email and there is no further reduction.




The AGM, this year, will be at Belrose Bowling Club on Wednesday 26th June (note this is a Wednesday late in the month, and the usual club night for the first Thursday of July will not take place).

Registration from 6pm, refreshments (as per last year) start at 6:15pm, and the AGM itself will start around 7:30pm. 

You will receive your membership renewal document prior to the meeting. Please complete it and bring it with you, together with your payment (cheque preferred) and your current gate key.

It is my understanding that the current committee members are all willing to stand, again. If, however, you wish to nominate another person for a committee position, you can do so by printing the nomination form (you can find it HERE), completing it and sending it to Brian to arrive with him not less than 7 days before the AGM.


Penrith Lakes is holding a model show on Monday 10th June (Queen's birthday public holiday), form 10am to 3pm. Entry is free, with a gold coin donation per vehicle for parking. 

The event will feature model displays, active demonstrations, high speed racing and "come and try" opportunities - seaplanes, yachts, powerboats, nitrocars and scale ships.



The AGM, this year, will be at Belrose Bowling Club on Wednesday 26th June (note this is a Wednesday late in the month, and the usual club night for the first Thursday of July will not take place).

Registration from 6pm, refreshments (as per last year) start at 6:15pm, and the AGM itself will start around 7:30pm. 

You will receive your membership renewal document prior to the meeting. Please complete it and bring it with you, together with your payment (cheque preferred) and your current gate key.

It is my understanding that the current committee members are all willing to stand, again. If, however, you wish to nominate another person for a committee position, you can do so by printing the nomination form (you can find it HERE), completing it and sending it to Brian to arrive with him not less than 7 days before the AGM.
