The final results are in and the club championship table can be seen by clicking HERE

Congratulations to David Foster on a very well deserved 1st place in the Club Championship. Despite some stiff competition and a final flurry from Mike Minty, David managed to head off the challengers and take the Club Champion position for 2013 through a combination of commitment (he didn't miss a club competition all year) and all-round flying ability - from combat and pylon racing through to large scale and biplane flying. 

Whilst writing some good news, I'd like to thank, on behalf of myself and all the club members:

  • our committee - for working tirelessly in the background on club issues, relationships with many external bodies, planning and seeing that our club stays in great shape
  • our field maintenance crew - for their daily efforts to present a flying site and club environment that is the envy of just about everyone who isn't (yet) a member
  • to David Pound - for carrying out the mostly thankless task of competition director - putting on a huge range of competitive events and making sure they run safely, smoothly and with a great deal of enjoyment
  • Our volunteer caterers - for handling the catering at several events throuhgout the year so smoothly
  • Mike Minty - for another brilliant Xmas party
  • Brian Porman and Ron Clark - I'll single out these two guys for their committee roles as club secretary and treasurer respectively, and the huge workload they handle in terms of club memberships, financial management and the pure organisational effort that a large club requires. We couldn't function without them, and my role as President would be impossible without their safe hands on the club organisation
  • Finally I'd like to thank all of our members for participating in the club and making every trip to the field an event to enjoy and remember. I don't think we could have a better bunch of people in the club - you make it what it is!
I can't sign off without mentioning the very sad passing of our friend, Col Simpson, and also mentioning Peter Wyss - one of the club's great guys, always willing to help anyone who needed it - who is still in rehab after his sudden brain aneurism back in September. It has been a very sad few months, and our thoughts are with Col's family, and with Peter for as good a recovery as he can possibly make. I'd like to acknowledge the huge effort that Stephen MacMahon is making to look after Peter, and all Peter's affairs, on his behalf. The club is much the poorer without Col and Peter flying with brio!
I'd like to wish everyone the Xmas that they deserve, and a very happy, healthy and enjoyable new year. See you at the field.



The MAAA has asked us to alert heavy model inspectors to apply for reappointment prior to the end of April, as current permits are due for renewal at the end of June. The text from MAAA is below. 

I am conscious that, as all of us come under increasing pressure from a litigative society, the MAAA is obliged to seek evidence of current building, experience in construction of large models and significant inspection activity, as well as a commitment to undertaking inspections and reporting on them with attention to detail (by way of example, describing servos by make and model rather than "large" or "giant"). You'll also notice that the list of appointed inspectors will be published so that people can access them from other clubs, so the obligations and load on inspectors will be sure to increase. Please give this careful consideration before reapplying, so that your application is evidence of your willingness and commitment to the role.

Thanks, Clive

From MAAA:

“It is that time of the season for all heavy model inspectors to apply for reappointment.  The details and the forms are located on the MAAA website in MOP006

 If you are seeking reappointment you should be advised it will require the ratification of the MAS NSW Executive, in considering these reappointments it is planned to publish a list of Inspectors and their clubs on the MAS NSW website so that members can easily locate an inspector close to them.  Additionally, The Executive is looking at the number of aircraft you have inspected and/or constructed over the past three years as an indicator of your currency and involvement/commitment to the role.

 All forms for reappointment will need to be returned to the Secretary before the end of April 2014 so they can be processed before the end of the financial year.

 Gas Turbine endorsements are conditional on renewal of your FW or RW rating and will be included upon renewal.”

Please note that the MAAA has posted a new bulletin on the Nationals (28/12/13 to 6/1/14). You can view it by clicking HERE

A brief update on Peter's condition, and a plea for your assistance:

First of all, It is wonderful to see the amount of care, well wishes and visits from club members for Peter.

Peter has a very long way to go yet. He doesn't have any moverment of his right-hand side and has limited movement in his left. His "motor skills" need time to redevelop due to the extent of his brain injury and, although he is conscious and can recognise people, understand them and nod or shake his head, he cannot speak and that will take time and patient therapy to recover. He is moving forward and is slowly coming to terms with the devastation of what has happened to him. 

On my recent visits to the WRCS flying field, I have been almost unable to get any flying in due to the volume of ideas from "well-wishers" with suggestions of ways to help Peter, and some have even taken his care into their own hands even to the point that one person made and took in a device to assist Peter with his communication. Although this was done with the best of intent, it caused great frustration and upset to Peter, and to the medical staff as it interfered with their own rehab programme. It is important to let the doctors do their work (and also to not give them need to contact me to castigate me about such devices). I repeat; PLEASE, PLEASE let the doctors do their work! Peter's injuries are severe and need professional and experienced intervention.

Flying magazines, flying books to read etc, are also causing stress to Peter - particularly looking at RC magazines that remind Peter of his great love for the hobby that he may never be able to do again. Peter cannot read due to his disability, but can look at pictures. Hence any other magazines with lots of pictures are useful, as long as they are not radio control/flying related. It is important to keep things light and cheerful when you visit as distress and worry over his loss of abilities will only hamper Peter's recovery efforts.

The next concern is what food to bring into Peter. Part of Peter's disability is poor masticatory and swallow function. One recent "well-wisher" brought him in some boiled lollies which he could very easily choke on. He is only allowed a limited amount of chocolate and SOFT biscuits on his diet, provided by the hospital, which is very carefully controlled to help his recovery. He still has a feeding tube in his stomach for night feeding. Rich food can upset his digestive system and I don't have to tell you of the consequences of this. We don't want to kill Peter with kindness!

PLEASE ring me for advice on what to bring in to Peter or speak to his doctor at the rehab facility before giving it to Peter rather than have the medical staff need to take it away from him.

I will give you another update in January. This is an important and stressful time for Peter and he is receiving exceptional care. I promise you that the medical team doesn't need our help, other than as supportive friends for Peter.

Stephen MacMahon


Mr Minty has produced a report on this year's excellent Xmas Party. Click HERE to download it for reading.


A big thank you to Mike, Santa and all those who contributed their time and effort to the event.

