The MAAA has asked us to bring the following poster to the attention of our members, following fatalities in Europe and the USA involving RC helicopters in the last few weeks. You can click on the image to enlarge it. Please be aware that the 9 metre reference is to an absolute minimum suggested distance, not a recommended distance. In many cases it may be appropriate to observe a far larger distance.



MAS NSW Fly In and Air Show 5/6 October 2013

15 September Update.

The planning for the Fly In and Air Show is progressing well and I would like to update you.


The field is located on Bandon Road Vineyard. There will be signs to the field from Windsor Road.  The flying field is located 600 metres from the end of Bandon Road and cannot be seen from the road as it is over a large hill.


The Field is being prepared. There are two runways available to cater for different wind conditions. The runways are 50 Ft wide by 500 feet long with long low approaches. All forms of aircraft are able to be flown on the field.

The field will be available for practice from Friday afternoon (whilst setup is in action).

Hours of operation are all daylight hours.

For those using frequencies other than 2.4 Ghz there will be a keyboard available.

There is limited power on the field so if you have your own Generators it would be advisable to bring them.


Catering has been arranged with this being supplied by the Wilberforce Rural Flying Brigade. Food will be available on both days with Breakfast being supplied on the Sunday morning. Catering will also provide wholesome food and drinks to cater for most tastes.

Camping on the field

For those wishing to camp on the field this can be arranged. Please note there are no shower facilities.  If you are interested in camping please contact Bob Carpenter.


There will be Port A Loo toilets located on the field

What you need to bring

Your aircraft, MAAA proof of membership, Large Model Permits (if required), charging facilities and your usual collection of tools for running repairs and fuel.

Club Tents

There is provision (if desired) to have a club tent as a central location for those who wish to work together.

There will be many members of the public over the weekend and a central tent for your club will allow you to publicise your location and possibly attract new members. This is also an opportunity to display static models.


Saturday the 5th is a member’s Fly In. During this day there will be the opportunity to fly and demonstrate your aircraft. The total number of aircraft in the air at any one time will be regulated for Safety.  The concept is to have lots of flying, relaxation and get the opportunity to mix and socialise with like-minded flyers.

For those who wish to fly in the Air Show on the Sunday this will allow you to become familiar with the field and its layout. It is also the opportunity for the organisers to meet the CASA requirements of observing flyers before flying in front of the public.

Sunday 6th Is the Public Air Show with the programme being controlled by the organisers. We will be demonstrating all types of aircraft such as: Jets (both Turbine and EDF), Military aircraft, Aerobatic aircraft, Helicopters (Turbine as well as IC and Electric) Aero towing of Gliders, Trainer aircraft, Control Line demonstration. All forms of power will be used and demonstrated.

If you wish to be part of the Show please contact the organisers.

Other Activities

For the family we have a display and interactive session by the NASA Space Camp. There will be static displays of Custom Motor Cycles, Race Boats, Hot Rods and Custom Cars.

We are looking to have a Jumping Castle for the Kids. This is still being arranged.

There will be raffles over the weekend with the draw taking place on Sunday afternoon.

Admission Charges

 Cost of admission will be Gold Coin per car.


This is your opportunity to come along and enjoy a great weekend of flying with the opportunity to show the outside community what Model Aviation is all about.


Questions and Queries

For any queries please contact:

Bob Carpenter This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or on 0438-171070.

The New South Wales Free Flight Society publishes a regular journal, and you can access their Septmeber 2013 issue by clicking HERE. Over to you to get on the circulation for future issues. 
Mr Minty completes the build of his Sopwith Scooter and it takes to the air for the first time. You can read the whole story on the Members Articles page HERE


Mr Minty has been getting smothered in partly spent diesel fuel (again!). To find out why, click HERE to read his report.