We had a fantastic electric fun fly event last Sunday. Click HERE to download and read the report provided by our regular scribe - Mike Minty.

Whilst writing, I'd like to express a word of thanks to our long-suffering contest director, Dave Pound, who pulls together the rules, entrants, catering, trophies, paperwork and everything else that most of our events need. On this particular occasion Dave suggested using his 15 year-old Quickie 500 plane as the streamer-puller in the pursuit contest. The old campaigner (the plane, not Dave) turned a foam glider into confetti before travelling 50 metres, wingless, and spearing up to the undercarriage in the centre of the runway. It won't be repaired.



One of our members had an accident while trying to start a petrol engine at home last Sunday.

The aircraft was on a table and restrained from moving forward. The engine was not behaving and the application of the starter pushed the model back so he advanced the throttle to about 1/4 and held onto the undercarriage, which meant his arm was under the propeller. The engine started but was running fast, he let go of the undercarraige to retard the throttle and in doing so must have lifted his arm into the propeller.Result, severed artery, partially severed tendon, and lots of tissue damage. One operation already and another operation to go with a risk that there is insufficient blood supply to the tissue between the cuts and this may result in the skin dying and the need for skin grafts.

Remember - you can't be too careful.

He said he has learnt his lesson and won't do THAT again!


Despite numerous aircraft coming to grief, we've only got two entries in the Unhappy Endings gallery (HERE) for 2013, and neither of those were particularly unhappy. Let's have some more photos with a storyline to give this gallery a bit more zing.



Mike Minty found the following article - a letter from WRCS member Alan Place to Dave Boddington, in a 1993 edition of Flying Scale Models, along with a couple of Alan's models (you can click on the pics to enlarge them and then page though them):

IMG_1980 IMG_1979

Meanwhile, Antony Bloom visited our shop and showed Pete and I some very interesting photos from the earliest days of WRCS at Belrose - the field being opened (by Antony's duaghter), the field as it was after we'd had it for a short while, and some planes from those days. 

field_opening field3 field2

old1 old2 old3

old4 old5 old6


Do you ever wish your models would build themselves? Some fascinating pictures from the center of the universe - Switzerland!

Coming soon to Hobbyking.....