If you own an aeroplane with an OS Engine or OS Brushless Motor, come along on Saturday 27th July for a very relaxed fly-in at the WRCS field Belrose.

Pilot briefing is at 9.15am and there’ll be drinks/ BBQ sausage sandwiches for sale to keep stomach worms at bay.

OS (Model Engines) will be attending and have very kindly donated a brand new OS 95AX IC engine AS WELL as one of their new 50mm brushless electric motors (OMA-5025-375).  Major Prizes drawn out of the hat after flying. You have to be present to claim!!

All pilots receive a complimentary information pack from Model Engines.

Entry is $10 per person no matter how many planes you bring. Pay on the day.

All pilots MUST pre-register prior to the event. THERE WILL BE NO REGISTRATIONS TAKEN ON THE DAY.

To register...send name, club, contact number and number of planes to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Remember, ONLY planes with an OS power plant will be allowed to fly & all participants MUST pre-register.

Current MAAA card & MOP forms to be sighted on the day

For details on how to get there – check out the club website at www.wrcs.com.au. See you there!!

Part 2 of Mike's Scooter build is ready for download. Go to the Member's Articles section by clicking HERE. We're always happy to recieve content for this section, by the way, and it is worth a regular visit to see what's new.


If you have changed address in the last few months and haven't let Ron Clark know, or you aren't sure that he has your current address, please e-mail him by clicking This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and tell him your correct address. 

He needs this to make sure you get your renewal information prior to the AGM at the end of June.

If you got your renewal last year and haven't moved, then please ignore this!



PS - only 5 people registered for combat and pylon day, so far. If you are intending to participate, please login on our home page and then go to the combat event page and register. That way, we'll know what we need to organise!

Rain? What rain? Here's something to keep you busy....click HERE
Here's the LINK to the donwload page for part 13 of Stan's Hurricane build. Will he have it ready for combat day in June?