For the confirmed balsa-bashers amongst us, here's a great place to get free plans -

Less than a month to go to the Xmas party. Plenty of time to build a chuck glider to beat this one, from Mr Minty - 24" span, all from a single sheet 3"x36"x1/16 and with 8 sq ins left over. It's all about how it flies!


Moments has put pen to paper. Click HERE to read the report.

While you're at it, don't forget:



I mentioned the $16 Idol kit on 6th October. Here is the finished product:


It flies, beautifully, does 10 minutes on a 1300mah battery and, yes, you need to add your own wheels and motor, covering, glue etc and bend a bit of wire but, seriosuly, for $16, HobbyKing are offering a bargain package.


Xmas party - raffle details:


1Ticket  $5;  3Tickets  $10;  Buy 6 for $20 Save  $10                                       

1st prize - the $229 (RRP) SPITFIRE MARK  IX BY   PARKZONE - PLUG N PLAY WINGSPAN    1100  mm

 2nd prize - the $199 (RRP)REBEL 70 SPORT JET BYe RC just add reciever and battery WINGSPAN    920mm

 3rd prize  - the $139 (RRP) DOG FIGHTER BY MULTIPLEX  - ELAPOR - requires radio, motor etc WINGSPAN    882mm

4th prize - donated - TRU – FLITE  SIMULATOR with auto install CD


Free raffle - kids only (if you have started shaving, you're not a kid) - U2 CHUCK GLIDER - no glue needed, just careful assembly.



