Hot off the press...Mr Minty has compiled a report and results from the hotly-contested biplane day. Click HERE to downlaod the PDF.


Update - here's the results:


Tom Sparkes has 2 tickets to the Omaka classic Fighters show in New Zealand (29-31 march 2013) for sale on behalf of a friend. They are $50 off retail price so, if you are interested, contact Tom on 0419 977613 (details of the show at this LINK)


Would anyone who is interested in going to Lake Keepit to fly rc and full size gliders in October please contact Stephen MacMahon on 0410 640 090 so he can confirm numbers.



sheppartonNine pilots from WRCS along with the girls and five other interested flyers made the trek to Shepparton for the 31st Mammoth Scale Rally.
The weather was kind all weekend with Saturday starting a little overcast (I heard one caller say I couldn't tell which way up the model was and I wasn't flying). The day improved to blue sky and very little wind. Sunday was almost as good but the overcast stayed for the day.
Best Model of the meet went to Shane Keddie with a big Mick Reeves Spitfire, in 2nd place was Robert Zyp with either his Moth or his Dragon Rapide (not sure which, both magnificent) and 3rd was David Balfour's DeHavilland Hawk. Some 150 models were entered by 100 pilots. Glow, Petrol, Electric, Jets and even a Glider.
The flight line was busy but no one seemed to wait more than 10 - 15 minutes before they were in the air. If you weren't flying there was plenty to look at and other pilots to talk too. The canteen was open for breakfast and did a roaring trade all day.
The girls enjoyed the markets,nurseries, produce store, chocolate apple factory, art centre, numerous coffee shops, lunches etc culminating in a lunch on Sunday at the Olive Farm. I heard someone say they have never been fed so well on a trip away.
The diehards are already booked in for next year so if you think you might want to get your Gold Wings and join the exodus south with a large scale model, wingspan 80inch mono and 65inch bipe then book now as  accommodation gets tight later in the year. Sept. 21 - 22

More pictures are here...

Great reading to be found HERE, as Stan pushes on with the Mick Reeves Hurricane.

Anyone else out there building anything and willing to submit an article or two?
