The Trash and Treasure night is on Tuesday 10th August at Tennis Cove. The auction starts at 7pm and Doug Radford will be auctioneer.

We will be using a lot number system this year. Sellers will be allocated one lot number to cover all their items, and the auction will be run in lot number order, so when your lot number comes up, each of your items will be put up for auction individually (or in groups as you require), before the auction moves on to the items in the next lot. 

Doug will be at Tennis Cove from 6:30 to give out lot numbers, so get there early to get to the top of the auction running order. 


The Large Model Scale Rally at Bowylie (about 2 and 1/2 hours away) is on 8th to 10th April 2011. Quite a few WRCS members have already registered, and you can get to the event website and registration forms by clicking this link: [Bowylie]



Mike Minty has prepared the first of a series of articles on how he 'rebirthed' an ARF Tiger Moth into a thing of beauty. You can get to the download page by clicking [HERE]

A Tip Regarding Noise from Tom (burglar) Sparkes 

One of the biggest causes of excessive noise is very simple - too many revs! Particularly with the new crop of petrol engines. Unlike glow engines they develop their torque at much lower revs than a glow engine, so not only will you get more performance out of your model with a bigger propeller but you will help to save our field from serious complaints.

Unfortunately engine makers are concentrating on producing horsepower figures that look good on paper, and the horsepower figure is helped by higher revs, but this is far less important than a good torque figure. Just look at the difference between the current crop of high torque diesel Le Mans race cars and their petrol competitors. They are so far ahead they are talking of a separate class for them.

So you will find you can usually go up a couple of inches in pitch and maybe even/or diameter and you will have much less noise, and your plane will fly better anyway.

Happy Flying,


Something very rare was seen last Saturday morning at the WRCS field.

Those lucky enough to be in attendance saw Ron "you can stick your chuffing glider up yer clacker" Clark skillfully piloting a glider through some light thermals in the west. It turned out that Doug had wandered over to Ron and claimed to be feeling faint - so Ron had willingly taken command of the transmitter - until he realised the full horror of what he had done. He tried to hand the transmitter back quicker than a parent passing a lightly soiled baby...but no luck.

Ron will be out of therapy within the month, apparently, but we are all asked to be vigilant for any relapse.
