Fred Manning is one of our founder members. Many members will know him...and some will even have been taught to fly by him!

Fred's story was published in the Gold Coast Bulletin on 17th April 2010 and, with the Bulletin's kind permission, can be downloaded [HERE]. You can adjust the size of the pdf for reading. I suggest 100% is a good place to start!

It's a terrific story and well worth a read!


Footnote 25/8/10. I'm sorry to let you know that Fred passed away, yesterday, in Queensland, aged 87. Our condolences go to Gwen. 


A request from Brian. In the event that someone is injured and needs to be taken to hospital, please notify the club secretary - Brian Porman - on 9488 9973, as he is usually the person that other members, police, family etc will contact.



There will be a new first aid kit put in the pound on Saturday morning.

This is a NEW KIT in a sealed plastic tub.


Please observe the following rules:

If there is a need to use any of the items including the painkillers, please consider replacing them at your convenience.

There is a small box of Asprin which should be saved for anybody suffering from chest pain particularly if symptoms suggest a cardiac crisis.
IF THIS HAPPENS, 4 to 6 Asprin should be ingested immediately as a front runner in the management of this crisis. Obviously don’t take if allergic to Asprin.

Please also make sure the tub is properly closed so that the kit can be sealed from vermin infestation.

The existing first aid kit on the door is now in breach of infection control as it is not sealed and will be replaced in the not too distant future. Therefore refrain from using it unless absolutely necessary and use the new kit in the sealed tub.

Dr Stephen MacMahon

Part 2 of Mike's series on the Moth rebirthing is available to download. Here's a link to the [download page]


This morning, Dr. Stephen MacMahon attended Grand Rounds at Westmead hospital. This is usually his "sleeping session" and I thought the only thing that would keep him awake is listening to Ron Clark describing his methods of colonoscopy using RC  gliders! On a serious note, my attention was drawn to a heated discussion about a man recently deceased, who was bitten by a tick whilst filming "Home and Away" at, you guessed it; down at WRCS last year. As a result of this tick bite, he developed a paralysed finger which rapidly disseminated into a multi-paralytic disease which he succumbed to.  The provisional diagnosis was Lyme disease which is a tick born disease identified mainly in the northern states of America. The diagnostic tests disproved this however, his vigilant wife sent samples to America and Europe which have confirmed the diagnosis. The Dept. of Agriculture have firmly insisted that our ticks do not carry this disease and the jury is out until a further autopsy has been carried out. There have been reported cases in the literature from the Taree district.  Irrespective of whether this is confirmed, this little critter was living in the vicinity of our field and had catastrophic effects for this poor gent. My point is that we will need to take precautions during the Spring and early Summer when ticks are prevalent and particularly virulent.



NEVER go into the bush unless fully protected with with long sleeves and long trousers. It is recommended that you liberally spray Aerogard or the like on your clothes and exposed parts before entering the bush. If you receive a tick bite, get rid of it ASAP. Serious symptoms to look for;  include pain in regional lymph nodes, fever, any paralysis or a sore with a widening or spread erythematous margin (red perimeter). If any symptoms like these occur, seek urgent medical attention as soon as possible.
For those interested; Google "Lyme Disease".