A few items to report following the club meeting and committee meeting on Tuesday 14th September 2010:
- Garigal Cup cancelled this year due to only one person indicating they'd participate.
- Concrete runway - there has been a lot of discussion (some way off topic), in the forums, on the potential to lay a concrete runway. It has now been confirmed that the terms of our permissive occupancy specifically prohibit any "permanent" development on the field, and a solid material runway is therefore not possible.
- Maximum flying height - a reminder that our height limit is 400 feet above average height in the location and, as the field is in a valley, this means about 550 feet above the pilot area of the field. This has been reviewed again, in detail, so please do not fly above this height. If you feel that the various regulations may have been misinterpreted, please attend a club night and raise the issue there, but don't fly above that height in the interim, because an individual's opinion is insufficient grounds to risk the flying rights of the whole membership.
- Road condition - the road has been holding-up well to the recent bad weather, but all members are encouraged to stop when visiting the field to lift a few loose stones from the side of the road and put them in their favourite pothole!
- Charging station - there has been some discussion about a major upgrade to use solar power to charge a battery bank that can be used to charge LIPO batteries at the field. The view at the meeting was that lipos are now so cheap, and increasingly reliable, that it is practical for members to own and charge enough lipos before each session (or from their own flight box in some cases). We will therefore stay with the current arrangement for some time, which is that the field system is capable of coping with reciever and transmitter packs, but please don't use it for LIPO charging.
- Glider funfly - this November event is confirmed, but with rules that allow entry with any electric model meeting the battery and motor maximum limits. More on this very shortly