A quick reminder that the Xmas party is on 11th December with a 4pm start. Santa will be paying us a visit and tickets are $20 for adults, which includes entertainment and a spit roast dinner. Warren is the person to contact to book tickets and to find out prices for other tickets etc. His contact details are at this link [Warren]


Stephen MacMahon, sends the following supplemental information to the video link that I emailed to most members a few days ago. The video link is repeated in the article below.

I read with interest, Clive's latest e-mail with a reference to an American  video on a new resusitation technique. As a Health Care Professional and involved in teaching post-graduate dental surgeons intravenous sedation techniques which require a high level of skill in resusitation techniques, this technique using an aggressive CPR technique with no EAR (Expired Air Resusitation … mouth/nose breathing for the patient) with a cardiac compression rate of 100 compressions per minute, has merit.


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We have tweaked the forums a little bit, in response both to a lot of concern about the content of some postings and also to create a "private members area" where WRCS club members will be able to read and write on any club issues that should be kept amongst the club members rather than be made public. 

To achieve this, the forum called "WRCS Club Discussions" has now been 'hidden' from view to anyone browsing the site casually, wheras the other forums are visible to everyone.

To use the forums (ie to add your own posts, photos etc) you need to be logged in as a registered site user, which  you can do, if you haven't previously done so, by registering on the home page of our site, bottom right, and please use a name that clearly identifies you to us and to other members! 

Once you are logged in (and you can check the "remember me" box so you will (usually) automatically log in each visit), then you will be able to use all the other forums - add your own posts, sell things etc. 

However, for the hidden club forum there is one more thing that we need to do, and that is to give you, as a registered user, clearance as a WRCS club member to view that forum. If we can't recognise your username as a club member, then we won't have done this, so if you are registered, and logged in, but can't see the WRCS Club Discussion forum, please let me know, and Peter or I will get it sorted as soon as we can. As a matter of interest, if you choose a name like "looking4love" then you'll be one of the many that we regularly delete as a false identity created by a malicious soul from another continent. Such is the wonder of the internet... you might be amazed at how many strange things we see!

That said, the forums are always going to be a poor alternative to participating in club events and the club nights at Tennis Cove. These are where club issues get a very good airing (last week's was excellent, for example, with some key ideas discussed and agreed), and it is impossible to convey the depth of discussion or full reasons behind voting decisions on the forum, but we'll do our best, and your participation will help. 

I hope that you like the new structure and can help us by giving it a go and registering as a site user. We'd be delighted to see more people posting, particularly tips, ideas, articles, things for sale, building and flying stories. The more positive and interesting content the better. Just one favour though - please do not post anything that names or comments in any way on individuals that are friends and neighbours of the club, or anything that people might see as offensive (which is often the case when healthy debate goes too far). We have a couple of volunteer moderators who keep an eye on content and try to remove material that might be irrelevant, critical, negative or potentially damaging to the club, but we can't catch everything at all hours of the day, so please keep an eye on what you post and also on what others post. If you see something that worries you and you  think it should be dealt with, please don't enter into an online argument - just let me or Col know and we will look after it.

Many thanks


Did anyone see a Hyperion 2 charger and leads/balancers? It was left at the field a couple of weeks ago by Tim Mazaraki. If you know the whereabouts would you let Tim know on 0416 055 446 please?


David Cotton is back from a sortie to Europe. He has kindly provided the following report, and visual feast of photos - 16 pages of them in the article below.



 2010 Goodwood Revival Meeting

Nr. Chichester, Sussex UK 

September 17th, 18th 19th 


The Goodwood Revival Meeting is the worlds most authentic Historic Car Race for cars built before 1967 and Air Display and the Freddie March Spirit of Aviation concours d’elegance for aircraft built before 1967. 

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