
Just a reminder that there is a 20 minute maximum on a key remaining in the board if you are using 36mhz. If you can release the frequency before 20 minutes is up, please do so. 

This isn't so much of an issue now that more people are using 2.4gig, but it seems that ther universe decrees that any two modellers using 36mhz will want the same frequency, and there have been a few incidents, lately, of a frequency being tied up for much longer than 20 minutes.



Well, despite frantic phone calls, messaging and web alerts, a few of our members still managed to arrive at the cancelled Gosford event on 2nd July. Click HERE for the story!


Graeme Swalwell handed me an article last weekend, which described the life, and the passing, of Maynard Hill. I had a quick look at the story, and Graeme's sharp eyes have turned up something well worth reading! 

Maynard passed away on 7th June 2011, aged 85, but not before he had set many modelling records, perhaps the finest being the first trans-Atlantic flight by a model - 3030 km and almost 39 flying hours, less than a gallon (5 litres for the youngsters) of fuel, mostly autopilot, 7 years ago (a model built whilst Maynard was almost blind, and had to use red dye in the glue to help see it during the build process).

There is a lot of excellent reading about Maynard and his achievements. I've put links to a few articles below. Just click on the link to open the web page for the article (the Telegraph obituary has an excellent summary of the big flight):

Sydney Morning Herald

Progressive Engineer

Model Aviation

Trans Atlantic Model

The (UK) Telegraph

Links don't hang around for ever, so if you click on one at it doesn't work, it'll be because the original page is taken down, but if you Google "Maynard Hill", you'll have enough reading to last a wet weekend!



Update 7th July - due to field conditions, this visit now deferrered until ocnditions improve. Check this website for details.

Our friends at Gosford City Aeromodellers Club have invited us to visit them for a fly-in, BBQ and Car Boot Sale on 2nd July. The invitation is below. Could you let Brian Porman know if you would like to attend, as soon as possible. You can send Brian an email by clicking This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

NEW: The map to the Gosford field can be accessed HERE and you can also browse the rest of the Gosford Club site from the links by the map.






Dear Colin,


With reference to my phone call last week I would like to extend an invitation to visit

the Gosford City Aeromodellers Club at the club field on Mangrove Road at Narara

on 2 July 2011.

The intention is to participate with our club an unstnrctured "fly-in" with B-B-Q and

Car Boot Sale with the purpose of meeting some of our club members and flying at a

different field as well as obtaining some trash or treasure by participating at the Car

Boot Sale.

Il is proposed that the day would go something like this: 

0830 Official welcome and safety briefing for local field safety rules

0900 Participation in free flying and car boot sale

1200 B-B-Q lunch (Cost is a $3 donation for a sausage sandwich and

can of soft drink)

1230 Continuation of flying

1530 End of formal flying

There is also flying on Sunday and your members are welcome if they wish to stay

overnight. Start time is usually about 0830.

The following weekend we are also conducting an Indoor Flying activity at the Narara Youth Centre on Saturday afternoon. We have 2 basket ball courts available and your members are welcome should they wish to attend. Only electic slow fly aircraft or small helicopters are suitable for thls venue. Cost will be $15 to cover insurance ($5) and court hire ($10). The $5 is an annual fee.

Please advise numbers so that we can cater for the food rcquirements.

Yours sincerely

John Brennan




Saturday 18th June produced great weather and a flurry of biplanes (at one point we had about 6 in the air at the same time!).


Mr Minty has set a new editorial record by sending me a top quality review the very next day. The PDF can be downloaded for viewing by clicking [HERE].
