
Our chums at SMAC are under threat of losing their flying site (which they have been using for 29 years). There is a good explanation of the background reason(s) at this link and you can add your support by signing the on-line petition at this link 

Please click the link and sign the petition. It takes less than a minute and, at the moment, just over 2200 people have done so.



PS - also see latest updates in the "unhappy endings" gallery and The Burglar's petrol engine article in the "member's articles" section of our site. 



Part one of The Burglar's design tips can be downloaded via the "members articles" section. The index of the most recent articles is [here] - plenty of good reading!


Click [HERE] to download the PDF report for Maitland Scale rally 2011. With thanks to Mike Minty - currently our most prolific roving reporter!


new_iconGallery Pages up! (Video still to come)

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After weeks of never-ending rain, we eventually saw the sun & all fingers were crossed that the field would dry out in time for Autumn Scale Day. On the Friday before the event we trimmed the grass and the forecast for the Sunday was 10-15 knot westerlies...abating.

Click [read more] on the right to see the full article


Register to read more...

The Futaba (square to square) buddy lead has gone missing from the container at the field. If you might have used it recently, could you check that you haven't wandered off with it by mistake please. We need it for our instructors to help people learning to fly - rather urgently!

If you do have it, can you let Col Buckley or me (Clive) know please.

Many thanks
