
For those of you that use the RCU website, you should be aware that there have been a couple of virus warnings carried on the site recently. We can't comment on the accuracy or reliability of this information but, as a bare minimum, I'd be making sure that my anti-virus software was functioning properly and with up to date virus definitions, and I'd do a virus scan if I hadn't done one since visiting the RCU site last.



Over the next 24 months Warringah Council will be carrying out a biodiversity study in a catchment area that includes the WRCS lease hold.

This study which will be identifying flora and fauna will include trapping.  So if you do come across any traps do not disturb.

You will possibly sight a 4wd along the track within this study period.  If so, please confirm that it has a notice on its dash identifying it as being part of this study.  If no such notice is visible then please record the registration and notify me at 94 88 99 73.  


Brian Porman


The solar panels were installed on the roof last weekend and are producing a nice, steady, flow of power ready to be linked to the batteries. We have laid the solar panels flat on the roof as, given their size, we were more concerned about avoiding wind damage than eking the last watt out of them by angling them towards the sunniest point.

The battery storage and charger shelving are now at the field and should be installed this weekend (26/2). Hopefully we will also get the controller and batteries installed and everything wired, in which case the charging station should be good to use next week (once the batteries have had a good feed). I'll put an announcement up as soon as it is ready. 

The charger connections will be banana plugs, so if your charger has another means of connection to a power source, could you fabricate an adaptor to use standard banana plugs for it please? There will be 12 outlets - ie theoretically sufficient for 12 chargers to run simultaneously. Whilst we have designed the wiring etc to cope with this, the sytem will be fused to protect everything in the event that someone plugs in a charger capable of feeding a space station (and every club has AT LEAST one of these people)!

Naturally there will also be a mysterious big red "kill" button. No mad scientist's control panel is complete without one!


The first few photos and video from glider day are now [here].

Full report, results and more photos to follow.


My counterpart at Shoalhaven MFC has sent us their February newsletter, which is an excellent read - plenty of interesting content for anyone with a bit of avgas in their blood. You can download it in PDF form by clicking [here]
