
Glider Day is 20th Feb - with events for bungee and electric. Rules are now posted on the event information page [HERE]


A quick update on the forums following a WRCS committee meeting last night:


  1. We have taken down the 'WRCS Club Discussions' forum, in response to many concerns (from members as well as the committee) about the content and function of this forum. It has been replaced by a 'WRCS Announcements' section which is "read only" ie it will be used to update members on club news but will not be an open discussion forum (although it will stay in the forum section of the site). If any member, committee or otherwise, wishes to post into this forum, they can do so via me or Col B but please use us sparingly as we have day jobs (or, at least, I do. Col mostly plays golf and goes fishing!) and we will post their news if relevant/appropriate
  2. I have tweaked the forum rules which you can see here: [RULES], given there has been quite a bit of negative/disappointing material over the last few months and, regardless of an individual's personal mindset, I reckon all WRCS members deserve to enjoy what they read, not be distressed, irritated or concerned by it
  3. Given item 2. above, I'll also emphasise that Col and I will be moderating the content at our own, personal, voluntary discretion. Neither of us is responding to external views, instructions or demands. If we do delete a post, or we edit the content of a post, we'll have done it with the best interests of all WRCS members at heart. We're not destroying free speech, but we are helping make the web site a happy and enjoyable place, not somewhere that people need to grit their teeth before visiting. Please be tolerant!
I hope you are comfortable with the changes. If you aren't then do let me know at a club night, or at the flying field, in person. I'll be happy to chat it through (as long as I still get time to fly).
Finally, a plea from the committee: The club nights (next one Tues 8th Feb at Tennis Cove) are a great venue for hearing the views of fellow members and expressing your own opinions and ideas. Please make a special effort to attend the club nights in person. The more the merrier!


Mr Minty needs to collect a 200 litre drum of methanol on his latest fuel run and, to do so, he needs to find a trailer - either with sides at least 600mm high or caged or closed in. If you can help him with a loan of such a trailer, you can contact him by email by clicking [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.].



Stan has just sent part 4 of the Kittyhawk build story - dealing with the engine and cowl. You can get to the download page by clicking [HERE], or you can go to 'member's articles', under the 'information' menu at the top of the page.


Grant managed a splendid, impromptue, touch and go with his Neptune. He followed it up with a much firmer "touch" and one of our roving photographers captured the story for you to share Grant's moment [HERE].

Thanks Grant. A magic way to start our 2011 gallery.
