Stan has sent us article one in his Kittyhawk series - Building and Flying a Ziroli Kittyhawk. This article deals with finding the right aircraft to model. Great reading - you can download the file from [this page] in the member articles section.


Mr Minty brings us another of his first-hand reports on the latest club event (with photos to follow asap):

Easystarish Electric Glider Day 28th November 2010

Well it started out as a David Menzies idea “let’s get a few people together with Easystars and have some fun” but grew into 16 assorted electric glider people (and "not really a glider at all") having lots of fun ……… well maybe not Col. And for the first time for a week the air was calm.

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Scale Day 14th November 2010

Well, at least it didn’t rain but the wind ……… was here, there and everywhere which one must assume was the cause of a turnout far below last year's event. However, what it lost in numbers it made up for in enthusiasm!

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Ron tells me that some reckon our old containers had been there around 25 years - so last week they were replaced with insulated, fibreglass and highly secure units. Here's a few photos, including the exodus of the club rat (unharmed)




We have just published the provisional event list for the next 12 months. You'll see that a few local events (fun fly, combat, pylon) have been left out due to low turnout on previous occasions. If you'd like to see and participate in these events, please let the committee know, but there will need to be, say, at least 10 people committed to participate in an event to make it practical.

From the poll that was running over the last few months, 42% of votes went to scale events, 19% to glider, 7% to combat (more voters than participants!!!), 6% to fun fly, 6% to heli, 5% to aerobatic and 2% to biplane (although the biplane day does attract many more participants than that!). The rest of the votes were scattered around less popular events.

On the published event list, there will be some gaps for external events (eg the state/national race events) and also a couple of internal events yet to schedule for 2011 (electric fun fly being one - the turnout for the event this November will dictate the event plan for next year).
