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Learn to Fly

WRCS has over 110 members, including people who have extensive experience with all types of model aircraft. Our members are keen to welcome you to the club and help you get started. We also have “buddy-box systems”, to let you experience the thrill of flying, with someone else able to take control, quickly, if things get out of hand.

We have a team of volunteer Instructors who can guide you every step of the way. Your Instructor will be able to answer your questions, then help you with model selection, safety and the equipment you will need to get started. Your instructor will help you through all the steps to get you into the air. You will learn take-off, controlled flight then your first successful landing and finally going solo. When you have mastered these skills and can fly safety, you will be awarded your Bronze Wings which allows you to fly solo at a time that suits you.

Modern radio transmitters, airframes and power systems are reliable, robust and inexpensive Our Instructors will help beginners make the right choices and avoid making the wrong ones, so they start with an aircraft and radio combination that suits them now and into the future. If you already have a model, our Instructors will work with you to check your model and see it it is suitable to learn on. Some planes look great, but are difficult to fly.

WRCS also has radios and trainer aircraft for beginners to get their first experience of flying without purchasing all the equipment. These are provided by the club, from members funds, to help newcomers into the sport of Aeromodelling.

So come and visit us, or get in touch through our Contact Form. One of our instructors will call you for a chat and answer your questions. If you are interested in joining WRCS click here.

If you’d like to have a go, and see if flying RC is for you, we’ll be happy to help. We’d love to share our hobby with you!