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Member Resources

Welcome, if you are new member to our club or have been around for a while this is a great place to gain a lot of knowledge about our field and the sport quickly. Take your time and read the guidelines below. The first four short documents covering many aspect of our club and the field. They are designed to keep you safe and to ensure we all enjoy a great flying experience.

The Lipo Battery Primer and Fitting a Tracker are great reference documents covering additional areas of knowledge for new and more experienced members.

E-IMAC is an emerging part of the sport and provides new challenges as participants hone their skills flying a set pattern of manoeuvres. The link below provides an overview and other details.

If you are planning to join the club and haven’t done so yet, the first thing to do is get in touch with the Chief Flying Instructor (CFI), Colin Buckley. Dave will be able to connect you with one of our six Instructors to help you get started. Your Instructor can provide advice on the type of aircraft and transmitter you will need as well as any basic equipment you may require. The club has some trainer aircraft and radios, so you may be able to learn the basics on one of these aircraft if one is available. We also have a “buddy box” system improve and simplify the learning process.

As WRCS has a few Instructors, so there is usually someone available to help you with any questions or if you normal Instructor is unavailable.

Chief Flying Instructor (CFI) Colin Buckley – zuluboat1@gmail.com

Member Guidelines

  • Times and Access – When the field is available, the protocol for the gate, busy times at the field and details about Total Fire-bans (TOBAN).
  • Field Layout and Sheds – About the sheds and charging, where to put your equipment when you arrive at the field. The document includes details of the Pits, Pilot Box and Spectator Area.
  • Pre-Flight and Flying – Where to prepare your aircraft and the steps to take before you take to the air. The basics of flying Circuits and what you need to do and say in the Pilots Box is covered here.
  • Safety and Lost Models – General safety instructions for yourself and other members. Recovering your model, entering the bush and looking out for other members.
  • LiPo Battery Primer – A great resource to learn about LiPo batteries, power requirements for your model, charging, storage and safe battery management.
  • Fitting a Tracker – Losing a model in the bush is expensive and heartbreaking. Recovery can be difficult and time consuming especially if you are unsure of exactly where to look. Here are some options that will save you time and some scratches as well.
  • E-IMAC – The aim of E-IMAC is to replicate IMAC competition (and full-size IAC aerobatic competition) with smaller and more affordable electric aircraft. Participants learn about the sport, improved their skills and if they wish, participate in the E-IMAC events.